stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
A nuclear war take place and a 1/3 of the world population is wiped from the face of the earth.
by James Mixon inhow many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
stan livedeath
i'll be ok--i'm a cock roach -
YHWH - bible story explained to tune of YMCA
by Simon inthis is funny.
the bible story to the tune of ymca ... how can it fail to offend :).
stan livedeath
i'm stealing that---ooooh yesss -
Intriguing - but Unsubstantiated!
by The Searcher inaccording to one source on a western european 'apostate' website, the org's plan is to abandon the name "jehovah's witnesses" in the future, and replace it with "worshippers of jehovah.". .
the gist of the account appears to be a repeat of rutherford's re-branding and debunking of old predictions made by the previous shower of fakers.
stan livedeath
How was it when you were a JW as a kid?
by nevaagain inwhats worse than being an adult jw?
when i was a kid i always had a bad concience all the time.
i believed i would not survive armageddon for the fact that i didn't like going to service and i didnt like going to the meetings.
stan livedeath
my old mum got religion when i was 9 years old.
i was taken out of school prayer assembly each morning from age 11---but i accepted the whole thing because "we" were in it--so it must be right. got baptised--at 14----with my dad and several of my mates . left school at 15--went pioneering on and off till i was 21. married a born in at 20--so i could have sex at last.
by 23 i just knew i was annointed-----nooo----i mean--atheist. that was the end of my career in the cult.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
stan livedeath
most of this thread is a complete mystery to me--but as i havent sat my arse down in a big arsembly for more than 40 years---or are ever likely to--i think i can live without knowing. -
Asking For More Money Again
by rosesinbloom inwe had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.. it asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.. a resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.. the society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but i do not remember what they suggested.. i was glad i was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious i did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.. has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?.
stan livedeath
A) Women don't get a state pension until they are 67 or more and so have to work seven years longer than the previous generation who retired at 60.
true--several women friends of mine are caught in this trap. the government has stolen £1000's off them--and its only now coming home to roost. means some are having to stay working---thus depriving a youngster of the job---or going on benefits.
Asking For More Money Again
by rosesinbloom inwe had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.. it asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.. a resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.. the society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but i do not remember what they suggested.. i was glad i was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious i did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.. has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?.
stan livedeath
one of these days the WTS is going to fool us all---and lovingly give all their loyal followers a nice big fat £$£$£ refund. -
What do you day dream about?
by punkofnice ini don't refer to anything sexually explicit of course.. i mean, in general.
do you dream of owning a big house, a football team, the perfect paradise earth?.
i'll start:.
What do you day dream about?
by punkofnice ini don't refer to anything sexually explicit of course.. i mean, in general.
do you dream of owning a big house, a football team, the perfect paradise earth?.
i'll start:.
stan livedeath
/\ /\ ha ha---very good punk -
What do you day dream about?
by punkofnice ini don't refer to anything sexually explicit of course.. i mean, in general.
do you dream of owning a big house, a football team, the perfect paradise earth?.
i'll start:.
stan livedeath
@ Zoos
i think your 1st sentence contradicts the 2nd